School Space Accommodation Standards

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Level of service standards for sizing school facilities funded by Indigenous Services Canada.


This document supersedes the School Space Accommodation Standards (SSAS), dated 2021, 2016, and dated April 2, 2013, Level of Service Standards - Revised School Space Accommodation Standards, dated July 6, 2000, and Level of Service Standards - School Space Accommodation Standards, dated February 17, 1993, and DRM 10-7/54 School Planning, Design, and Construction, dated October 1988.

The Government of Canada is committed to achieving reconciliation with Indigenous peoples through a renewed, nation-to-nation and government-to-government relationship based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership as the foundation for transformative change. The implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples requires transformative change in the Government's relationship with Indigenous peoples.

These efforts must be guided by Canada's obligation to respect and uphold First Nations' inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty rights, including those rights to education referenced in specific Treaties, and self-government agreements. The Nation-to-Nation relationship between the Government of Canada and First Nations is rooted in historic treaties, the Numbered Treaties, self-government agreements, section 35, guided by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and informed by the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action.

As part of these efforts, the Government of Canada introduced funding in 2018–2019 for First Nations to access for the design and development of Regional Education Agreements (REAs). These education-related agreements are between First Nations and their partner organizations to support improved student outcomes, self-determination, and First Nations control of First Nations education. The REA development process creates an opportunity for First Nations to develop their vision for education and its related strategic implementation plan. The establishment of REAs will allow for an evidence-based and data-driven approach, to determining funding needs, improving service delivery, and supporting mutual accountabilities.

These agreements do not include provisions for education infrastructure. However, if and when changes are made to the Terms and Conditions, REAs should reflect such changes accordingly.

The SSAS is an evergreen document. Should future enhancements be approved for the education funding formulas (ISC-ESDPP-Education), the potential infrastructure requirements to support the formula enhancement will be assessed at that time to determine if a review of the SSAS is required.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) School Space Accommodation Standards (SSAS) outline the Department's level of service standards for the construction and major renovation of First Nation schools on reserve that may be funded by the department. The SSAS determines the total Gross Floor Area allowance of a school for which funding may be provided by ISC. Effective April 1, 2023, the new standards introduced in this version apply to new school projects and major renovations upon entering the feasibility study stage.

The SSAS does not determine which school is eligible for funding or which school will be funded. The SSAS complements the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program (CFMP) terms and conditions. In the event of a conflict between the SSAS and the CFMP terms and conditions, the CFMP terms and conditions shall prevail.

First Nations seeking a new educational facility (or major renovation or addition to an existing facility) are required to apply for funding through the First Nations Infrastructure Investment Plan process, following the standard procedure for submitting proposals under the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program. All funding requests are prioritized using ISC's School Priority Ranking Framework (SPRF).

If approved, funding will be provided on the basis of the Total Gross Floor Area allowance pursuant to the SSAS application methodology presented in Section 2. First Nations desiring a facility that is larger than allowed by the SSAS may fund the additional cost of the project from own-source funding, from funding from a non-governmental third party, or from funding from another level of government.

Applying the SSAS is a requirement for eligible school projects to move forward and obtain Departmental project approval and is a condition to obtain capital funding pursuant to the Program Control Framework (PCF).

ISC does not limit the application of the SSAS to on-reserve schools. First Nations may decide to apply the SSAS to their schools located off-reserve.

2 Determination of eligible school size – Overview

Should a school project qualify to receive capital funding, the department will establish the project's funding based on eligible school size as calculated using the SSAS and expressed as the Total Gross Floor Area allowance (Total GFA). The Total GFA encompasses the full footprint of all of a school's enclosed floor areas (i.e. measured on the plan to the exterior faces of perimeter walls). First Nations will determine how the Total GFA allowances are used in order to meet their unique needs, regardless of how it is allocated in the SSAS.

The following paragraphs present an overview of this methodology and explain how to use this document.

Please note that space to accommodate full-day K4 and K5 kindergarten programming is to be taken into account when determining school size.

The Total GFA allowance (i.e. the total eligible school size) includes 10 types of areas (See Appendix E for more details on how types of areas are defined):

  1. Basic space allowance (Basic GFA): The Basic GFA is space allocated for spaces such as learning spaces, administration, washrooms, storage, facility services, circulation, and structure.
  2. Gymnasium space allowance (Gym GFA): The Gym GFA is space allocated for gymnasiums.
  3. Cafeteria space allowance (Cafeteria GFA): The Cafeteria GFA is space allocated for food preparation, tables and seating.
  4. Language and Culture space allowance (Language and Culture GFA): The Language and Culture GFA is allocated for the preservation, revitalization, and strengthening of First Nations languages and cultures.
  5. Knowledge Keeper's Office: Traditional Services space allowance (GFA Culture & Wellness): The Knowledge Keeper GFA is allocated for Knowledge Keepers and those who are working with students and staff in school.
  6. Counselling / Flexible space / Itinerant space (Counselling & Wellness GFA): The Counselling and Wellness GFA is allocated for counseling, education / wellness specialists, and first aid.
  7. Special / Inclusive Education spaces (Special / Inclusive GFA): The Special / Inclusive GFA is space allocated on a per student basis and based on service needs for special education services.
  8. Extra space for unique circumstances for community emergency planning (Emergency GFA): The Emergency GFA is space allocated on an as needed basis for emergency services.
  9. Extra Storage Space for deliveries to remote locations (Extra storage GFA): The Extra Storage GFA is space allocated on an as needed basis for additional storage.
  10. Mechanical Rooms (Mechanical GFA): The allocation of space for mechanical rooms is determined separately from the Total GFA.

The Total GFA is a sum of the above types of areas. It sets a maximum floor space allowance for the entire school building. Within the Total GFA, a total of the first six types of areas, i.e., Basic, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Language and Culture, Knowledge Keeper, and Counselling / Flexible / Itinerant Space, is called the standard sub-total. It is a subset of the Total GFA. The standard sub-total is found in each of the GFA tables in the appendixes.

First Nations propose the space allocation based on their requirements as outlined in an Education Specification. An Education Specification is the link between education programing and the physical facilities. It is a comprehensive document that illustrates the community's vision, health and safety needs, culture, language, programing, pedagogy, services, spaces, adjacencies, utilization, capacity, fit-up (furnishings and equipment), building systems, and performance.

The Education Specification includes:

  1. Community vision of education programing
  2. Student enrolment projections and design horizons
  3. Education programing details
  4. Special Education / Inclusive Education facility requirements
  5. Pedagogical and functional assessments of existing or proposed school facilities
  6. Capacity and utilization assessments of existing or proposed school facilities

A detailed comprehensive outline will emerge from an analysis of these elements.

For further information on school space planning considerations that apply to various room types, please refer to Section 3.

The determination of the standard sub-total GFA that may be applied to the Education Specification is made by selecting the appropriate look-up table among the "Gross Floor Area Allowance Tables" provided in Appendix C.

Applying the SSAS and determining eligible school size as described in Section 2 is required to allow proposed school projects to move forward and to form the basis of feasibility studies. The purpose of a feasibility study is to investigate various servicing and planning options that meet identified First Nations needs and to generate cost estimates. Any enrolment projection, GFA, or extra project costs that exceed the level of service prescribed by the SSAS are expected to be covered by the recipient First Nation's own or other external funding sources.

The application of the SSAS may involve an iterative process while developing a school project, especially at an early stage, where various aspects need to be either defined or fine-tuned.

ISC regional officers can provide advice and support to facilitate this process. The resulting Total GFA allowance and supporting information should be submitted to ISC using the Appendixes A and B with proper Chief and Council signatures.

The following sections further explain key components and requirements of the SSAS application process described above.

2.1 Minimum Level of Service Standard (LoSS) for school

To qualify for capital funding for the construction of an on-reserve school, the minimum enrolment projection is 10 full-day students. In addition, the average annual enrolment for years one to ten of the projection must be at least 10 students.

The look-up tables presented in Appendix C provide school space allowances for an enrolment starting at 10 or more students.

In such cases where a school does not have an annual projected enrolment for 10 or more full-day students, a small school may be established. The necessary GFAs for a small school shall be manually added to the Total GFAs and justified in the proponent's submission for funding. Formal approval from ISC is required.

2.2 Student enrolment projections

Student enrolment projection refers to the estimated number of students who will attend a school in future years. Enrolment projections use community and education demographic trends that include nominal roll to provide a tailored estimation of the likely student population in future years for the purpose of sizing schools and planning for appropriate elementary and secondary education programming, which includes support for eligible adult First Nation people who wish to return to high school in their communities and complete their high school education. The enrolment projections take into consideration possible student migration, repatriation and exceptional circumstances such as identified housing challenges which necessitate families to live outside of the reserve boundary but are essentially still part of the reserve community for service delivery. Enrolment projections represent the most important input in the determination of the proposed school's Total GFA allowance and are a major capital cost driver because they have a direct impact on eligible school size.

Enrolment projections should only be prepared by specialists in socio-economic and demographic studies. At a minimum, an enrolment projection study must provide historic data together with a breakdown of projected enrolments by grade level over a period of ten to twenty years.

Please note that regardless of provincial education curriculum requirements, ISC allows full-day attendance of kindergarten students.

Consultants who conduct an enrolment projection study are expected to show authentic engagement with community and education departments, to research the following sources of information:

Community Research

  • Membership: broken down by ages for the past 15 years to estimate potential growth rates
  • The Indian Registration System broken down by ages for the past 15 years to estimate potential growth rates
  • Housing: Plans to increase residences
  • Social Services: Number of children in care that are expected to return to the Community
  • Health: Birth rates and mortality rates
  • Migration: Document effects of contributing factors to "In" and "Out" Migration:
    • Education
    • Housing
    • Economics
    • Environment
  • Federal records for families within the First Nation region
  • Additional legislation, events and factors that affect the demographics of a community

Education and Enrolment Research

Consultants conducting an enrolment study are responsible to collect and research the following Education information that may be available in the community:

  • Current and historical enrolment numbers broken down by grades
  • Current and historical number of students on waiting lists
  • Number of First Nations students who cannot access services within the existing facilities due to accessibility issues or lack of facilities for services
  • Number of First Nations students who attend schools off reserve
  • Number of First Nations students living off-reserve who attend nation schools
  • Enrolment of non-status students and members of other First Nations
  • Relevant legislation such as included in the Protocol for ISC-Funded Infrastructure and ISC policies including the Grants and Contribution to Support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Education Advancement that affects enrolment, curriculum, accessibility, and programs


  • Use multiple sources of demographic information to develop growth rates within a population
  • Review baseline data from membership, registries, and health (adjusting for late reporting of births)
  • Calculate birth rate trends
  • Factor into analysis the historical trends over 15 years accounting for local community conditions, events, and legislation that have affected demographics
  • Utilize historical enrolment rates while taking into consideration the waiting lists and accessibility issues if available in the community, as well as other factors, such as if there was an existing school in the community already or band members who had to live off-reserve due to housing issues, which have affected enrolment
  • Develop enrolment projection model/s
  • Evaluate model/s with historical data

Methodology, process, constructs and modeling used for the research and analysis described above must be comprehensive and justified.

2.3 Design horizon projections

A design horizon is the timeline between the opening of a school facility and when that facility reaches capacity. Design horizon projections are a sub-set of the enrolment projections. First Nations school projects are sized on the basis of enrolment reaching capacity within a 10 year -12 year design horizon after a school opens.

The design horizon approach applies to school projects based on the premise that the projected student population increases over the first ten years following the school opening. In exceptional cases where this premise does not apply, with justification, the First Nation community may choose a design horizon that is longer than 10 years - up to 12th year of operation or shorter than 10 years of operation. Formal approval from ISC is required for alternative design horizons. For example, an alternate design horizon may be considered in cases where a community has been consistently showing growth rates for the past 10 to 15 years that are much higher or lower than the average growth rate for First Nation Communities in Canada.

To see an example of a design horizon, refer to the Table 1 in Appendix D. The column labeled "Year 15" is the design horizon projections, or the estimated enrolments 10 years after the school reopening.

2.4 School Types & Grade Ranges

School types and grade ranges represent groupings of grades that pertain to education curriculum requirements (i.e. the grades to be taught).

The SSAS provides GFA allowances based on the premise that the projected enrolments for the grades to be offered can be accommodated in a single school building or school complex unless a feasibility study clearly demonstrates reasoning for building education facilities on separate sites, such as site restrictions, and that all reasonable land expansion options have been considered.

The actual grade ranges within a school may vary from one to another. For the purpose of the SSAS, school facilities are grouped into the following grade ranges. These ranges are listed in the Table 3.1 in Appendix A to facilitate space calculation.

  • Kindergarten K4 – K5
  • Elementary (or Primary), grades 1 to 3;
  • Elementary Intermediate, grades 4 to 6;
  • Junior Secondary, grades 7 to 9 (Secondary 1,2, 3 in Quebec);
  • Senior Secondary, grades 10 to 12 (Secondary 4 and 5 in Quebec).

Once the school type and range have been determined in Table 3.1 in Appendix A, a corresponding GFA table in Appendix C will be identified. Refer to Appendix A for more detailed instructions.

2.5 Determination of gross floor area allowances

Once enrolment projections and the number of special education students have been accepted by the First Nation and ISC, the SSAS total Gross Floor Area may be calculated by following the steps listed in Appendix A.

When using these tables, it is important to abide by the SSAS rules and not to make assumptions, or extrapolations, beyond the limits allowed by the tables. In some cases, the SSAS cannot be applied mechanically and judgement is needed to work around limitations.

The following is a summary of the instructions:

  • Determine the range of grades, zone, design horizon.
  • Complete Table 1 Projected Enrolment by Grade , with the projected enrolments, up to and including the "Design horizon" year.
  • Enrolment projection adjustment: When agreed upon enrolment projections include potential First Nations students or non-First Nation students living off-reserve subject to joint school contribution arrangement with provincial authorities, or when not-accounted-for students should be considered, complete Table 2.1 Enrolment Adjustments, with manual adjustment of the number of enrolment adjustments for joint school agreements or students that have not been accounted for within the demographic projections.
  • All projected numbers within the manual adjustments must be approved by the First Nation and ISC.
  • Enter projected enrolment projections and adjustments to calculate the total enrolments in Table 2.2 Projected Total Enrolments for each grade.
  • Summarize the Enrolments in Table 2.3 Summary of Total Enrolments.
  • Use Table 3.1 Guide to Appendix C to determine which table from Appendix C is applicable.
  • Determine Standard Sub-Total of GFA in Table 3.2 Determining Gross Floor Area Allowances.
  • If enrolments do not fit within the range of values in Table 3.1, or Appendix C, refer to Table 3.3 for Kindergarten, and/or Table 3.4 for additional space for Elementary/Secondary grades.
  • Determine the space required for Special/Inclusive Education Students using Table 3.5, Table 3.6, Table 3.7 and Table 3.8.
  • Table 3.9 is used to determine if additional space is allocated for Community Gathering. Table 3.10 is used to calculate any additional space required for community gathering.
  • Table 3.11 is used to determine if additional space is allocated for Emergency Planning. Table 3.12 is used to calculate any additional space required for emergency planning.
  • Use Table 3.13 Additional Space Allowance for Indoor and/or Outdoor Storage Space to provide the approved allocation for storage space.
  • Use Table 3.14 Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Rooms to provide the approved allocation for mechanical rooms.
  • Complete Table 3.15 Summary of School Space Allowances SSAS Application Results.

For an example of how to use Appendices A to C see Appendix D.

2.6 Standard size of classrooms

First Nations determine the size and design of their classrooms based on their needs, projected student enrolments, or potential regional education agreement teacher/student ratio allocations.

The following are recommended average classroom sizes which reflect educations standards in Canada and support First Nations' learning needs.

  • Kindergarten: The standard size for a Kindergarten classroom is 100.8 m² (net space) to accommodate active learning and special/inclusive education. If the area standard for a kindergarten classroom is inappropriate due to a small local population, with the approval of the community, a smaller classroom may be considered. Justification must be provided within the education specification, and sizes noted within room data sheets for any kindergarten classroom that is below the standard.
  • Grades 1 to 12 classrooms: The standard size for a grade 1 to 12 classroom is 80 m² (net space) to accommodate student led, project based learning, and special/inclusive education. If the area standard for a grade 1 to 12 classroom is inappropriate due to a small local population, with the approval of the community, a smaller classroom may be considered. Justification must be provided within the education specification, and sizes noted within room data sheets for any classroom that is below the standard.

2.7 Adjustments for enrolments higher than SSAS table limits

Sometimes, enrolment projection values are above the limits granted by the GFA values listed in Appendix C, In such cases, Appendix A still needs to be completed using the largest available GFA values in the look-up tables. Building on this largest possible Total GFA allowance, SSAS users can obtain additional space allowances for kindergarten to grade 12 students as follows:

  • Kindergarten students: See Table 3.3 Additional Space allowance for Kindergarten Enrolment in Appendix A. An additional kindergarten classroom is 100.8 m² of net space and associated circulation/common space for every additional group of 26 students above the maximum level granted by Appendix C GFA tables.
  • Grade 1 to 12 students: See Table 3.4 Additional Space allowance for Grades 1 to 12 Enrolment in Appendix A. An additional classroom is 80 m² of net space and associated circulation/common space for every additional group of 26 students above the maximum level granted by Appendix C GFA tables.

Additional GFA is provided in accordance with the methodology used in the development of Appendix C GFA tables. However, adjustments over the SSAS limits, even though supported by valid and approved enrolment projections, in some cases (e.g. enrolment that is twice the maximum set out in the GFA tables) require further examination on a case by case basis and may be subject to further ISC approvals.

2.8 Additional Gross Floor Area allowance for special/inclusive education needs students

ISC's Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships' (ESDPP) Elementary and Secondary Education Program provides remedial instruction, clinical services, elder services, mentoring services, traditional services, cultural services and other support services to students who have learning disabilities and other special needs. Consequently, the department provides additional space allowance for each special/inclusive education needs student in the determination of the Total GFA allowance for a school. This extra GFA can be allocated towards larger regular classrooms, special classrooms, cultural and linguistic based services, or other spaces as required by the First Nation.

To determine the number of special/inclusive education needs students in First Nation communities, teachers and specialists are involved in the assessment of students to determine their eligibility for special/inclusive education services. Special/inclusive education services are provided under ESDPP's Elementary and Secondary Education Program, and High Cost Special Education Program. Accordingly, the department annually tracks the number of special/inclusive education needs students together with other nominal roll information.

As First Nations determine, special/inclusive education needs may be addressed in collaboration with other programs funded through other federal or provincial programs to provide a more effective and comprehensive solution to community's needs.

Enrolments for special/inclusive education students must be recorded and approved by First Nations and appropriate project authorities using Appendix B forms. Justifications must be provided when enrolment numbers differ from the department's records.

When applying the SSAS, the additional GFA allowance for special needs students is determined as follows:

  • Base GFA allowance for special/inclusive education students: In the SSAS, special/inclusive education students needs should be calculated based on the 15 year enrolment projections in order to properly calculate the allocations.
  • Additional GFA allowance for special/inclusive education students: The SSAS allocates an additional GFA of 3.75 m² to each special needs student. To determine the additional GFA allowance for a proposed school, SSAS users need to fill out Tables 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
  • Service based space allocation for special needs students: If there is not enough space for special/inclusive education services in the 3.75 m² allocations, further spaces will be allocated based on services provided to special needs students in order to cover remaining space needs. The service based allocation must be manually added as it would differ in every situation.

2.9 Additional Gross Floor Area allowance for community gathering or emergency response center

First Nations communities that are located in Zone 3 or Zone 4 are allowed additional space in order to use the proposed school as a community center or emergency response center.

A community emergency plan should be used to determine if additional space allocation is required within a community school funded by ISC. The allocation of space should be determined using the area per person ratio for the type of use for occupant load within the provincial building code.

All First Nations, regardless of zone location, without an existing community center, emergency response space, or gymnasium are also eligible, with justification, to get additional space as part of their school project. However, a school project is not eligible for extra space when communal space is already available in an existing school or other community building.

2.10 Additional Gross Floor Area allowance for storage room and space for school supplies

Storage space for items such as educational supplies or outdoor maintenance equipment should be sized to meet the specific needs of the school. On a case by case basis, extra indoor or outdoor storage space can be provided to any school in addition to the space specified in the GFA tables, but must be justified in the proponents' submission for funding. This extra storage space is not accounted for in the GFA tables, and must be manually added to the Total GFA. For example, in remote areas, justification for extra storage space may be that a school gets their supplies only once a year, due to its remote location, and requires space to store a year's worth of supplies.

2.11 Mechanical Room

The Gross Floor Area for the school's mechanical room is not accounted for in the GFA tables. The mechanical space is a percentage of the sum of the Standard sub-total GFA, Special / Inclusive GFA, and additional required space for emergencies and storage. A mechanical consultant should provide the percentage of space that is required. The necessary GFA shall be manually added to the Total GFA and justified in the proponents' submission for funding.

2.12 Outdoor Learning Space

The SSAS tables in Appendix C allocate outdoor learning space. Based on a range of students, an allocation of 0.5 m² per student at the upper limit of the range, with a 20 m² minimum, will be provided for dedicated Outdoor Learning Space GFA. While the Total GFA of a school is flexible in its use, outdoor Learning Space cannot be re-allocated to interior spaces, and is exclusive from the Standard Sub-Total GFA allowance. Schools may include outdoor areas that can be used for formal and informal education activities.

Outdoor learning spaces should be guided by the language, cultural and land based education programing and documented in an Education Specification. They may include but are not limited to outdoor workstations, seating areas, clearings, trails, etc. The space may be attached to the school, or may be a separate space on the school site.

3 School planning considerations

This section discusses school and space planning considerations that derive from applying the SSAS, and additional planning aspects that should be considered once the Total GFA allowance has been determined using the methodology described in Section 2 of the SSAS. The education needs within a community will guide the development of an Education Specification that utilizes the Total GFA to develop a pre-design outline of facility requirements pertaining to education programming, standards and guidelines. As a condition for ISC infrastructure funding, school planning and designs must comply with applicable statutes, regulations, codes, standards, and other criteria ─ those compliance requirements are outside the scope of the SSAS and are covered in the most up-to-date version of the Protocol for ISC-Funded Infrastructure (PIFI), which is available on the departmental website.

3.1 Design horizon planning considerations

First Nations school projects are sized on the basis of projected student enrolment 10 years after school opening.

It is the school planner's responsibility to ensure that the proposed infrastructure and method of construction meet the evolving needs of First Nations while supporting student success. Given that the design horizon is based on the assumption that the population will change over the 10 year timeframe, it is up to the planner to make recommendations on how best to accommodate that change within the school facility. Options to develop infrastructure that are submitted to ISC for funding approval are expected to include strategies to increase internal school facility capacity and expand building systems to support additions to the school facility. Or, in rare cases decommission facilities as populations decrease.

3.2 School Net Gross GFA Ratio

The SSAS is not prescriptive when allocating specific amounts of space, but there is a recommended school net to gross ratio as described below:

As explained in Section 2, eligible school size is expressed as:

  • Total Gross Floor Area ( Total GFA) allowance, which encompasses the full footprint of all of a school's enclosed floor areas measured on plan to the exterior faces of perimeter walls.
  • Net Floor Area (NFA), which is the Total GFA minus the area for walls, circulation (i.e., corridors, stairways), entrance lobbies, foyers, vestibules, facility service spaces (such as electrical, mechanical, storage, custodial, operations, and maintenance).

The GFA approach to determining eligible school space provides the First Nations with flexibility to establish a school layout that suits site-specific and community-specific requirements. Concurrently, it is the responsibility of the consultant to achieve efficiencies within the Education Specification so that it meets identified needs and accommodates all educational and special-purpose spaces within the Total GFA allowance. An outline of the details of education programming should be described in the Education Specification (See section 2 for a definition of Education Specification).

As a best practice requirement, the school design should comply with a NFA to Total GFA ratio ranging between 70% and 80%:

NFA ÷ GFA = (70% to 80%)

This means that the sum of area for entrance lobbies, foyers, vestibules, circulation (i.e., corridors, and stairways), facility service spaces as well as unusable space occupied by openings, walls, partitions, and columns should not exceed 20% to 30% of the Total GFA.

The ratio for larger schools will be higher, as there is an economy of scale for services spaces that will benefit larger schools more.

3.3 Space planning considerations

First Nations determine the size and configuration of the areas within the school based on the education specification. First Nations schools will be eligible for at least one of each room, but First Nations determine how the GFA allowances are used in order to meet their unique needs. The number, type and size of spaces will vary depending on the student capacity, grade levels, services and programs identified within the education specification. For example, the need for specialized programs may increase within higher grade levels.

As First Nations determine, the school may include the following spaces:

  • Learning spaces: The learning spaces under the Basic GFA should accommodate the type of use, occupancy and local programing requirements documented within the Education Specification. Provincial safety standards should be noted for spaces with workplace training considerations. Due consideration should be given to determine and identify the capacity of students within each instructional space.
    • The learning spaces may include classrooms, learning commons, maker spaces, workshops, labs, and other ancillary spaces such as:
      • Auditoriums
      • Science rooms
      • Home economics rooms
      • Industrial art rooms
      • Any other rooms required to support First Nations elementary and secondary education programming
  • Administration areas: Administration space should meet the needs of the school. This may include administration offices, preparation workroom, resource room, staff rooms and staff wellness space. GFA allowance for administration areas varies considerably depending on agreed upon enrolment projections.
  • Gym office: A gym office is recommended when the education curriculum has a full-time physical education instructor or a teacher fulfilling this role.
  • Language and Culture Spaces: An allocation of 100.8 m² for enrolment up to 294 students with an additional 7.8 m² for each additional 26 students (0.3 m² per student). This space may be used for a variety of cultural activities, including but not limited to language immersion, during and after regular school hours. Separate ventilation control of the space, and lockable storage for cultural items should be considered.
  • Knowledge Keeper's Spaces: An allocation of 15 m² for enrolment up to 294 students with an additional 2.6 m² for each additional 26 students (0.1 m² per student) will be included in the Total GFA allowance for a school. Further considerations such as, but not limited to, a private washroom for Knowledge Keeper's and separate ventilation control should be determined by First Nations as the school is being designed.
  • Counselling / Flexible/Itinerant Spaces: An allocation of 30 m² for enrolment up to 138 students with an additional 5.2 m² for each additional 26 students (0.2 m² per student) will be included in the total GFA allowance. Further considerations may be given to accommodate the following services and uses, but are not limited to:
    • Office space for professionals such as
      • Social Workers
      • Community Protection Officers
      • Mental Health Workers
      • Speech and Language Pathologists
      • Health Nurses
    • First Aid Room / Medical Rest Area
    • Sensory / Exceptional Areas

3.4 Washrooms

The number and size of washrooms are based on projected student enrolments and comply with applicable provincial requirements.

First Nations will be able to collaborate with school planners and designers to ensure that washroom layouts meet the community's needs, as determined by First Nations. The proposed washrooms may include, but are not limited to, fully accessible, barrier-free, gender neutral, personal care, and kindergarten washrooms.

3.5 Other considerations

Education Programming

Additional space considerations to support unique education programming needs, beyond special purpose rooms and spaces outlined in Section 2.10 of the SSAS, are made when a community demonstrates that the SSAS is insufficient to accommodate these needs. These additions may include spaces for home economics and culinary arts, technology education (eg. woodwork or automotive), language, depending on the official language obligations of the province, or any other program offered within the province. Any request for additional space allowance must be justified by school project proponents in an Education Specification defined in Section 3.0 and will be subject to and supported by applicable capital project reviews and approvals.

Early Learning and Child Care Services

Early learning and child care is not included in the Elementary and Secondary Education Program, and as such the SSAS does not include space consideration for this service.

There are several early learning and childcare initiatives being implemented across the country through provincial/territorial bilateral agreements with the Government of Canada. The Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care (IELCC) and Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework provide a guide for communities, program administrators, service providers, policy makers and governments to work towards achieving a shared vision that all Indigenous children have the opportunity to experience high-quality, culturally-strong ELCC. Any new strategic action concerning school standards in either frameworks will respect the principles of respect, collaboration and partnerships in the IELCC Framework.

First Nations communities interested in including early learning and child care services in their school planning are encouraged to contact the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Secretariat housed at Employment and Social Development Canada for information on potential capital funding opportunities with early learning and child care services by email at

Sustainability/Climate change

First Nations are encouraged to consider incorporating a sustainable building plan and aligning with Canada's climate plan and Indigenous Services Canada's Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy when collaborating with school planners during the feasibility stage of the project. A plan should include social, economic and environmental objectives that are achievable. Objectives may include the reduced consumption of natural resources, the efficient use of energy and water while improving the environment, health and wellbeing of the students. Consideration may be given to the sustainability of proposed sites, longevity of building systems and materials, resiliency to climate change, and aligned with Canada's climate plan.


Appendix A: Worksheets

Appendix A outlines the steps necessary to calculate the Total Gross Floor Area, the allocation of space for a specified number of students, programs, and services within a learning community. This information will be used in Appendix B: Project Application Form. See Appendix D: Example to see how a sample enrolment is used to calculate SSAS.

Step 1: Preliminary SSAS information

Step 1.1: School Project Information

Summarize the proposed school project and gather the information that is necessary for the application of the SSAS:

  • School project scope (Grade range):
  • Zone:
  • Is the school part of an emergency plan for the community?:
  • Design horizon (typically 10 years):
Step 1.2: Demographic Report Data

Table 1 shows a 10 year design horizon. An alternate design horizon (up to 12 years) must be justified in a demographic report. The report should include a projection broken down by grades.

Fill in the following information with the results from the demographic report (this includes students in Kindergarten and Special/Inclusive education programs). Please note: regardless of the provincial education curriculum, ISC allows full-day attendance of Kindergarten students:

Table 1 Projected Enrolment by Grade
Grade Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 (Opening year) Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 (Design horizon)

Step 2: Proposed school project enrolment (SSAS input information)

Step 2.1: Enrolment projection adjustments
  • Where applicable, enter approved enrolment adjustments in Table 2.1.
  • Where there are no manual adjustments for a particular grade, enter "0" on that line for the total.
  • Provide rationale and justification for enrolment adjustments in Demographic report and attach to Appendix B.
Table 2.1 Enrolment Adjustments
Grades Additional Student Spaces (Provide rationale) Deducted Student Spaces (Provide rationale) Total

Complete Appendix B form for enrolment adjustments and include justification with supporting documentation.

Step 2.2: Gathering enrolment projection information

Compile the data as indicated in Table 2.2.

  • Projected enrolments for the design horizon should be extracted from Table 1 - Projected Enrolment by Grade, Design Horizon column, as determined by the demographic report. Kindergarten enrolments should be included as Full-Time Enrolments.
  • Manual Adjustments to Enrolments are extracted from Table 2.1.
  • The Total Enrolments for SSAS is the sum of the Projected Enrolment for Design Horizon and the Manual Adjustments to Enrolments.
Table 2.2 Projected Total Enrolments
Grades Projected Enrolment for Design Horizon Manual Adjustments to Enrolments Total Enrolments for SSAS
Step 2.3 Summary of Total Enrolments
  • Use the values from "Total Enrolments for SSAS" in Table 2.2 to calculate the summary of values below.

Note: Starting at Table 2.3, Line Numbers are assigned to values to provide reference points throughout the following steps:

Table 2.3 Summary of Total Enrolments
1 Total Kindergarten (K4+K5):
2 Total Elementary/Secondary (Grades 1-12):
3 Total enrolment, add Line 1 and Line 2:

Step 3: Calculation of Gross Floor Area Allowances (SSAS Application)

Use Table 3.1 to determine which Appendix C Table is applicable for the proposed school project.

  • Use the value of Line 1 to find the applicable range of Kindergarten enrolments.
  • Use the value of Line 2 to find the applicable range of Elementary/Secondary enrolments.
  • If the values for Line 1 and Line 2 fit within the same row of ranges in Table 3.1, find the applicable SSAS table in Appendix C and proceed to Table 3.2.
  • If the values for Line 1 and Line 2 do not line up on one row in Table 3.1 use the upper row to find the applicable table 3.0 in Appendix C. Then, use Table 3.3 or Table 3.4 to calculate the additional space for Kindergarten or Elementary/Secondary respectively.
  • If one or both of the enrolments do not fit within the range of values within Table 3.1 follow the steps below:
    • If just the Kindergarten enrolment (Line 1) does not fit within the range of enrolment listed in Table 3.1, use the relevant range of enrolments for Elementary/Secondary to find the applicable table in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.3 which provides a way to calculate additional space for extra Kindergarten enrolments. Below is an example where the Kindergarten enrolment is not within the ranges listed in Table 3.1:
      • If there are 56 Kindergarten students and 310 in grades 1 to 4 students, select B3 in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.3 to calculate additional space for extra Kindergarten enrolments.
    • If just the Elementary/Secondary enrolment (Line 2) does not fit within the range of enrolments listed in Table 3.1, use the relevant range enrolments for Kindergarten to find the applicable table in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.4 which provides a way to calculate additional space for extra Elementary/Secondary enrolments. Below is an example where the Elementary/Secondary enrolment is not within the ranges listed in Table 3.1:
      • If there are 25 Kindergarten students and 400 in grades 1 to 6 students, select B2 in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.4 to calculate additional space for extra Elementary/Secondary enrolments.
  • If both your Kindergarten and Elementary/Secondary enrolment values are above the range of values provided in Table 3.1, then use the lowest row of enrolments possible for your school type and apply the corresponding SSAS Appendix C Table. Then proceed to both Table 3.3 and Table 3.4 to calculate the additional space required. Below is an example where two values are not found within the ranges listed in Table 3.1:
    • If there are 57 Kindergarten students and 400 students in grades 1 to 6, select B3 in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.3 to calculate additional space for Kindergarten enrolments. Next, proceed to Table 3.4 to calculate additional space for Elementary/Secondary enrolments.
Table 3.1 Guide to Appendix C
School Type Grade Range Range of enrolments in Kindergarten
(Line 1)
Range of enrolments in grades 1 to 12 Elementary/Secondary
(Line 2)
SSAS Tables Appendix C
Kindergarten Only K4 to K5 10-156 0 A1
(Includes Primary & Intermediate)
K to 6 0 10-242 B1
1-26 1-320 B2
27-52 35-320 B3
Elementary/Junior Secondary K to 9 0 10-320 C1
1-26 10-476 C2
27-52 295-476 C3
Comprehensive Elementary/Secondary K to 12 0 10-320 D1
1-26 10-424 D2
27-52 295-580 D3
Intermediate Elementary/Junior Secondary 4 to 9 0 10-528 E1
Intermediate Elementary /Secondary 4 to 12 0 10-632 F1
Secondary 7 to 12 0 10-632 G1

Use the applicable table from Appendix C to determine the values for Table 3.2:

Table 3.2 Determining Gross Floor Area Allowances
4 Basic Space Allowance (Basic GFA):
5 Cafeteria Space Allowance (Cafeteria GFA):
6 Gymnasium Space Allowance (Gymnasium GFA):
7 Language & Culture Space Allowance (Language & Culture GFA):
8 Knowledge Keeper Space Allowance (Knowledge Keeper GFA):
9 Counselling/Flexible/Itinerant Space Allowance (Counselling & Wellness GFA):
10 Standard Sub-total GFA Allowance, add Lines 4 to 9:
11 Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance:

If there are no further adjustments proceed to Table 3.5.

Adjustments for enrolments higher than SSAS table limits (See section 2.7)

  • If your projected Kindergarten enrolment is less than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, skip Lines 12 to 18
  • If your projected Kindergarten enrolment is greater than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, fill in Lines 12 to 18 (Table 3.3)

Table 3.3 Additional Space Allowance for Kindergarten Enrolment (for values greater than those Listed in Table 3.1)

Table 3.3 calculates the allocation of space required for each increment of 26 students for Kindergarten classrooms, circulation, and service spaces.

12 Kindergarten Enrolment, Line 1:
13 From the Line of Table 3.1 that you used, enter the upper value of the corresponding Kindergarten enrolment-bracket (For example, for a K enrolment of 27–52, enter 52 here):
14 Enrolment shortage not yet included in GFA, subtract Line 12 with Line 13:
15 Divide Line 14 by 26:
16 Round up Line 15 to the next unit (for example if Line 15 equals 2.34, enter 3):
17 Additional unit GFA Space Allowance (100.8 m² (net) divided by 0.75 ratio): 134.4 m²
18 Additional Kindergarten GFA, multiply Line 16 by Line 17:
  • If your projected Elementary/Secondary enrolment is less than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, skip Lines 19 to 25
  • If your projected Elementary/Secondary enrolment is greater than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, fill in Lines 19 to 25 (Table 3.4)

Table 3.4 Additional Space Allowance for Elementary/Secondary Enrolment (for values greater than those listed in Table 3.1)

Table 3.4 calculates the allocation of space required for each increment of 26 students for Elementary/Secondary classrooms, circulation, and service spaces.

19 Elementary/Secondary Enrolment, Line 2:
20 From the line of Table 3.1 that you used, enter the upper value of the corresponding Elementary/Secondary enrolment-bracket. (For example, for an enrolment of 10-320, enter 320 here):
21 Enrolment shortage not yet included in GFA, subtract Line 19 with Line 20:
22 Divide Line 21 by 26:
23 Round up Line 22 to the next unit (for example if Line 22 equals 2.34, enter 3):
24 Additional unit GFA Space Allowance (80 m² (net) divided by 0.75 ratio): 106.7 m²
25 Additional Elementary/Secondary GFA, multiply Line 23 by Line 24:

Additional Gross Floor Area allowance for Special/Inclusive Education Students (See Section 2.8 and glossary)

The department provides additional space allowance for the projected number of Special/Inclusive education students with mild to profound needs. To determine the number of special needs students in First Nations communities, teachers and specialists are involved in the assessment of students to determine their eligibility for special education services. The projected number of students receiving services should correspond with the rate of change for enrolments within the demographic report.

Enter the approved projected number of Special/Inclusive education student enrolments in Table 3.5 below:

Table 3.5 Special/Inclusive Education Student Enrolment
Grades Projected Special/Inclusive Education Student Enrolments
26 K4
27 K5
28 1
29 2
30 3
31 4
32 5
33 6
34 7
35 8
36 9
37 10
38 11
39 12
Table 3.6 Space Allowance for Special/Inclusive Education Students
Description Area (m²)
40 Total Special/Inclusive Education Kindergarten, add Line 26 and Line 27:
41 Total Special/Inclusive Education Elementary/Secondary, add Lines 28 to 39:
42 Total Special/Inclusive Education enrolment, add Line 40 and Line 41:
43 Additional Space Allowance for each Special/Inclusive Education Student: 3.75 m²
44 Additional GFA for Special/Inclusive Education Students, multiply Line 42 by Line 43:

The allocation of 3.75 m²/student is dedicated to support Special/Inclusive Education Services specific to the learning community. Table 3.7 identifies the type of Special/Inclusive services needed, how frequently they are to be delivered and the number of participants expected to receive those services. Certain services may be delivered to different numbers of participants, for example, large group instruction (26 students), small group remediation (3 to 5 students), or individual support. This information will inform the education specification when determining the location, adjacencies, capacity and utilization of space required for each service.

45 Table 3.7 Special/Inclusive Education Services

Identify proposed Services and Programing for Special/Inclusive Education (see Appendix C for examples) Schedule (the hours/ day/week/school year that the service is delivered): Number of projected Specialists or Staff: Number of projected Recipients:

Table 3.8 Eligibility Criteria for Additional Service Based Special/Inclusive Education Allowance

From the education specification, calculate the total area required for Special/Inclusive Education Services and enter that value on this line:


Enter Special/Inclusive Education Space Allowance (Line 44) plus any space allocation from Line 9 that contributes to Special/Inclusive Education:

  • If Line 46 is less than or equal to Line 47, enter "0" on this line:
  • If Line 46 is greater than Line 47, subtract Line 46 from Line 47 and enter that value on this line:
  • If the allocation of space on Line 48 is greater than 0, attach the outline of Special/Inclusive education spaces, and justification for additional space to Appendix B.

Additional Gross Floor Area Allowance for Community Gathering Space (See section 2.9 and glossary)

As outlined in Section 2.9, First Nation communities may need additional space for emergencies or community gatherings.

  • Additional space for community gatherings is calculated based on assembly occupancy with non-fixed seats and tables.
  • It is assumed that 33% of the assembly will be comprised of the student body.
  • Justification must be provided if additional space is required. Provide rationale and justification in Appendix B.
Table 3.9 Eligibility Criteria for Community Gathering Allowance
Yes No
49 Does the community have access to a community or school facility that accommodates community gatherings?
  • If the answer to Line 49 is "No", the school project may be eligible for additional gym/cafeteria space. Fill in Table 3.10.
  • If the answer to Line 49 is "Yes", skip down to Line 55 and enter "0".
Table 3.10 Additional Space Allowance for Community Gathering
50 Total Number of Students identified in the demographic report, Line 3:
51 Multiply Line 50 by 3:
52 The allocation of space is 0.75 m² per person for non-fixed seats and tables: 0.75 m²
53 GFA for gathering space, multiply Line 51 by Line 52:
54 Add Cafeteria GFA (Line 5) and Gymnasium GFA (Line 6):
  • If Gathering Space (Line 53) is less than or equal to Line 54, enter "0" on this line:
  • If Gathering Space (Line 53) is greater than Line 54, Subtract Line 54 from Line 53:

Additional Gross Floor Area Allowance for Emergency Planning Space (See section 2.9 and glossary)

Table 3.11 Eligibility Criteria for Emergency Planning Allowance
Yes No
56 Does the community have access to facilities for emergency events?
57 Has the capacity of existing facilities sufficiently supported past emergency events?
58 Is the community located in Zone 1 or 2?
  • If you answered "No" to Line 56, Line 57, or Line 58, your project may be eligible for additional emergency planning space allowance. Fill in Table 3.12.
  • If you answered "Yes" to Line 56, Line 57, and Line 58, your project is not eligible for additional emergency planning space allowance. Skip down to Line 63 and enter "0".
  • If the community does not have an emergency response plan in place:
    • Engage community leaders, provincial and regional emergency planning, and Indigenous Services Canada regional representatives to identify potential emergency events.
    • Identify how the community would expect to utilize a school facility in the event of an emergency.
    • Provide supporting documentation on engagement and emergency planning. Attach to Appendix B.
  • Additional space for emergency use is calculated based on the expected use and projected Occupant Load indicated in an emergency planning document.
  • The ratio of space for the occupant load should be determined using the area per person for an assembly occupancy within the provincial building code (or if applicable the national building code).
Table 3.12 Additional Space Allowance for Emergency Planning
59 Total Number of Occupants identified in an emergency plan:
60 Ratio of space, based on the area per person ratio for the type of use for occupancy load in accordance with the provincial or national building code. Enter the ratio here:
61 GFA for emergency planning, multiply Line 59 by Line 60:
62 Add Cafeteria GFA (Line 5), Gymnasium GFA (Line 6), Additional Gathering Space (Line 55), and Classroom Allocation from the education specification:
  • If Emergency Planning Space (Line 61) is less than or equal to Line 62, enter "0" on this line:
  • If Emergency Planning Space (Line 61) is greater than Line 62, subtract Line 62 from Line 61:

Additional Gross Floor Area Allowance for Additional Storage Space (See section 2.10)

  • Additional storage space may be funded pending approved justification.
  • In isolated areas where schools get their supplies only once a year, it is particularly important that sufficient storage space be available.
  • Storage space may be comprised of administration, gym, education, O&M, and custodial space.
  • Storage for emergencies is included in Table 3.12.
  • Attach rational and justification for additional storage space to Appendix B for review.

Approved and justified additional storage space is inputted on Line 64 below.

Table 3.13 Additional Space Allowance for Indoor and/or Outdoor Storage Space

64 Additional Space Allowance for Storage:

Additional Gross Floor Area allowance for mechanical services

  • Attach rational and justification for mechanical space to Appendix B for review.
Table 3.14 Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Rooms
65 Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Rooms. This allocation should be determined with a mechanical consultant:
Table 3.15 Summary of School Space Allowances SSAS Application Results
66 Basic Space Allowance (Basic GFA), Line 4:
67 Cafeteria Space Allowance (Cafeteria GFA), Line 5:
68 Gymnasium Space Allowance (Gymnasium GFA), Line 6:
69 Language & Culture Space Allowance (Language & Culture GFA), Line 7:
70 Knowledge Keeper Space Allowance (Knowledge Keeper GFA), Line 8:
71 Counselling/Flexible/Itinerant Space Allowance (Counselling & Wellness GFA), Line 9:
72 Standard Sub-total GFA Allowance, Line 10:
73 Additional Space Allowance for Kindergarten Enrolment beyond Values Listed, Line 18, or 0 if there were no adjustments:
74 Additional Space Allowance for Elementary/Secondary Enrolment beyond Values Listed, Line 25, or 0
75 Additional Space Allowances for Special/Inclusive Education Students, Line 44:
76 Additional Space Allowances for Service Based Special/Inclusive Education, Line 48:
77 Additional Space Allowance for Community Gathering, Line 55:
78 Additional Space Allowance for Emergency Planning, Line 63:
79 Additional Space Allowance for Storage, Line 64:
80 Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Services, Line 65:
81 Total Additional Gross Space Allowances, add Lines 73 to 80:
82 Grand Total of GFA Allowances for the Proposed School, add Line 72 and Line 81:
83 Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance, Line 11:

Appendix B: SSAS Project Application Form

Appendix B summarizes the information and calculations completed in Appendix A on enrolments, special education, and building program requirements. This form compiles the information that should be submitted with a feasibility study for funding for major capital projects such as renovations, additions or new facilities. This form also serves to affirm that the information provided is correct, and there is an area for signatures at the end of the document.

An Indigenous Services Canada Regional Office will review the application form; attest that departmental due diligence was applied; and that the application of the SSAS as submitted by the First Nation meets applicable SSAS requirements.

Project Data:

  • New School Project
  • Existing School Modernization/Addition
  • School Name
  • Band Number
  • Reserve Number
  • Reserve Name
  • Postal Code
  • Normal Year Round Access

SSAS Requirement Checklist

SSAS application forms must be attached to school project application submissions, together with other documents required by the project approval process, and the required departmental signatures that are required at that stage.

  • □ Demographic Report
  • □ Attach adjustments if applicable for the following:
    • □ Adjustments for enrolments if higher than SSAS Table limits with background information
    • □ Enrolment projections for non-accounted students with supporting documentation
    • □ Special/Inclusive Education allocation with supporting documentation
    • □ Additional space allocation with supporting documentation for:
      • □ Community gatherings
      • □ Emergency events
      • □ Extra storage
      • □ Mechanical services
  • □ SSAS Calculation including Standard sub-total spaces and any additional allocations
  • □ Education Specification
  • □ Net to Gross calculations with a ratio between 70–80%
  • □ Affirmation that data has been verified

Projected Enrolment by Grade (See Appendix A, Table 1)

If an alternative design horizon (up to 12 years) is recommended, please provide justification within a Demographic report. The report should include a projection broken down by grades.

Grade Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 (Opening year) Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 (Design horizon)

Enrolment Adjustment Approval

The prime consultant is responsible for the accuracy of the values utilized in the table below. This form must be completed and signed off by Chief and Council. Where there are no manual adjustments for a particular grade, enter "0" on that line for the total.

Enrolment Adjustments

(See Appendix A, Table 2.1)

Grades Additional Student Spaces
(Provide rationale)
Deducted Student Spaces
(Provide rationale)


Affirmation of Enrolment Projections and Adjustments

Initial below:

_______  The consultant affirms that all details of enrolment projections and adjustments have been received and approved, that there is no incomplete work, and that there are no flaws, omissions or missing documents/approvals.

_______  The consultant affirms that the enrolment projections and adjustments have met all ISC and regulatory requirements.

_______  The Chief and Council affirm that they have reviewed and approved the enrolment projections and adjustments.

_______  The ISC Regional Office affirms that the ISC Regional Office has reviewed and approved the enrolment projections and adjustments.

_______  The consultant affirms that all relevant supporting documents are attached as required.

The prime consultant is responsible to calculate the gross floor area allowance:

Gross Floor Area Allowance

(See Appendix A, Table 3.2)

Basic Space Allowance (Basic GFA), Line 4:
Cafeteria Space Allowance (Cafeteria GFA), Line 5:
Gymnasium Space Allowance (Gymnasium GFA), Line 6:
Language & Culture Space Allowance (Language & Culture GFA), Line 7:
Knowledge Keeper Space Allowance (Knowledge Keeper GFA), Line 8:
Counselling/Flexible/Itinerant Space Allowance (Counselling & Wellness GFA), Line 9:
Standard Sub-total GFA Allowance, Line 10:
Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance, Line 11:

Adjustments for enrolments higher than SSAS table

If Kindergarten enrolments (Appendix A, Table 2.3, Line 1) and/or Elementary/Secondary enrolments (Appendix A, Table 2.3, Line 2) exceed beyond range of values listed in Table 3.1, enter the total adjustment, otherwise enter 0: _________________ m²

Affirmations for gross floor area allowance and adjustments

Initial below:

_______  The consultant affirms that the table selected reflects the total enrolment projections.

_______  The consultant affirms that the gross floor area adjustments reflect the total enrolment projections.

_______  The Chief and Council accept the selected gross floor area allowance and adjustments.

_______  The ISC Regional Office affirms that the ISC Regional Office has reviewed and approved the selected gross floor area allowance and adjustments.

Enrolment Projection for Special/Inclusive Education Students Form

The prime consultant is responsible for the accuracy of the values utilized in the Table below. This form must be completed and signed off by qualified education specialists.

Special/Inclusive Education Student Enrolment (see Appendix A, Table 3.5)

Grades Special/Inclusive Education Student Enrolments
Special/Inclusive Education Services (see Appendix A, Table 3.7)
Identify proposed Services and Programing for Special/Inclusive Education (see Appendix C for examples) Schedule (the hours/day/week/school year that the service is delivered) Number of projected specialists or staff Number of projected recipients

Affirmation of Special/Inclusive Education Student Enrolment Eligibility

Initial below:

_______  The consultant affirms that teachers and education specialists have determined and verified that the number of Special/Inclusive Education students who are eligible for special education services has been received and approved as required, that there is no incomplete work, and that there are no flaws, omissions, or missing documents/approvals.

_______  The consultant and First Nation affirm that all Special/Inclusive Education student enrolments have met all ISC and regulatory requirements.

_______  The Chief and Council affirm that they have reviewed and approved all Special/Inclusive Education student enrolments.

_______  The ISC Regional Office affirms that the ISC Regional Office has reviewed and approved all Special/Inclusive Education student enrolments.

_______  The consultant affirms that all relevant supporting documents are attached as required.

Additional Allocation of Emergency, Community Gathering, Storage and Mechanical Space

This form must be completed by the indicated authorities before values for emergency, community gathering, extra storage and mechanical space will be approved in the calculation of the space allowances for the school.

Emergency, Community Gathering, Extra Storage and Mechanical Space

Additional Space Allowance for Community Gathering. See Appendix A, Table 3.10, Line 55:
Additional Space Allowance for Emergency Planning. See Appendix A, Table 3.12, Line 63:
Additional Space Allowance for extra Storage Space. See Appendix A, Table 3.13:
Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Space. See Appendix A, Table 3.14:

Affirmation for Emergency, Community Gathering, Extra Storage and Mechanical Space

Initial below:

_______  The consultant affirms that all details of current emergency, community gathering, storage and mechanical space have been reviewed.

_______  The consultant affirms that the spaces allocated to emergency, community gathering, storage and mechanical space rage has met all ISC and regulatory requirements.

_______  The Chief and Council affirms that they have reviewed and approved the emergency, community gathering, storage and mechanical spaces.

_______  The ISC Regional Office affirms that the ISC Regional Office has reviewed and approved the emergency, community gathering, storage and mechanical spaces.

_______  The consultant affirms that all relevant documents are attached as required.

Grand Total of GFA Allowances for the Proposed School

The prime consultant is responsible to calculate the Grand Total of GFA (Appendix A, Table 3.15, Line 82): ________________m²


School Project Compliance and SSAS Application Acknowledgement:

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the requirements listed above and will assure with all compliance requirements therein.

First Nation Responsibility Centre





Chief & Council's Delegated Project Manager:




ISC Review

The ISC review by a Region only attests that departmental due diligence was applied, and that the application of the SSAS as submitted by the First Nation meets all applicable SSAS requirements. SSAS application forms must be attached to school project application submissions, together with other documents required by the project approval process, and the required departmental signatures that are required at that stage.

ISC Region





The consultant attests that due diligence was applied, and that the application of the SSAS as submitted by the First Nation meets all applicable SSAS requirements. SSAS application forms must be attached to school project application submissions, together with other documents required by the project approval process, and the required departmental signatures that are required at that stage.





Note: Completed copies of all Appendix B forms must be attached to the completed SSAS Application Form

Appendix C: Gross Floor Area Allowance Tables

The following tables provide the allocation of space for specific grade ranges and number of enrolments. A summary of these tables is provided in Appendix A, Table 3.1.

A1 Kindergarten Only (K)

(10–156 Kindergarten and 0 Elementary/Secondary Enrolments)
Enrolment for Kindergarten
(including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 6 - 26 270.3 11.0 118.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 545.1 20.0
B 27 - 52 588.3 28.0 190.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 952.1 26.0
C 53 - 78 816.2 46.0 190.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1198.0 39.0
D 79 - 104 1144.8 64.0 360.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1714.6 52.0
E 105 - 130 1415.1 83.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2075.9 65.0
F 1611.2 101.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2295.2 78.0

B1 Elementary without Kindergarten (Grade 1 - Grade 6)

(0 Kindergarten and 10–242 Elementary Enrolments)
(including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/
Wescope="col"owance (m²)
Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 227.9 15.0 190.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 578.7 20.0
B 35 - 60 503.5 34.0 360.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1043.3 30.0
C 61 - 86 906.3 52.0 360.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1464.1 43.0
D 87 - 112 1026.1 70.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1673.9 56.0
E 113 - 138 1132.1 88.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1797.9 69.0
F 139 - 164 1481.9 106.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2170.9 82.0
G 165 - 190 1529.6 125.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 2430.8 95.0
H 191 - 216 1807.3 143.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 2731.7 108.0
I 217 - 242 1945.1 161.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 2892.7 121.0

B2 Elementary with Kindergarten (K - Grade 6)

(1–26 Kindergarten FTEs and 1-320 Elementary Enrolments)

(excluding Kindergarten, but including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/
Wowance (m²)
Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 1 - 9 275.6 14.0 118.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 553.4 20.0
B 10 - 34 551.2 30.0 190.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 917.0 20.0
C 35 - 60 853.3 50.0 360.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1409.1 30.0
D 61 - 86 1123.6 63.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1764.4 43.0
E 87 - 112 1179.8 81.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1838.6 56.0
F 113 - 138 1386.5 99.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2063.3 69.0
G 139 - 164 1572.0 118.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2461.0 82.0
H 165 - 190 1844.4 136.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 2756.6 95.0
I 191 - 216 1955.7 154.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 2891.1 108.0
J 217 - 242 2093.5 172.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3052.1 121.0
K 243 - 268 2194.2 190.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 3176.0 134.0
L 269 - 294 2347.9 209.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 3353.9 147.0
M 295 - 320 2443.3 227.0 620.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 3482.9 160.0

B3 Elementary with Kindergarten (K - Grade 6)

(27–52 Kindergarten FTEs and 35–320 Elementary Enrolments)
(excluding Kindergarten, but including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/
W wance (m²)
Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 35 - 60 1123.6 63.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1764.4 30.0
B 61 - 86 1179.8 81.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1838.6 43.0
C 87 - 112 1386.5 99.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2063.3 56.0
D 113 - 138 1572.0 118.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2455.8 69.0
E 139 - 164 1844.4 136.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2751.4 82.0
F 165 - 190 1955.7 154.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 2885.9 95.0
G 191 - 216 2104.1 172.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 3057.5 108.0
H 217 - 242 2241.9 190.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3218.5 121.0
I 243 - 268 2342.6 209.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 3343.4 134.0
J 269 - 294 2491.0 227.0 620.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 3515.0 147.0
K 295 - 320 2586.4 245.0 620.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 3644.0 160.0

C1 Elementary/Junior Secondary without Kindergarten (Grade 1 - Grade 9/Secondary 3)

(0 Kindergarten and 10-320 Elementary/Secondary Enrolments)
(including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/
Wellness GFA Allowance (m²)
Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 234.4 15.0 250.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 645.2 20.0
B 35 - 60 517.8 34.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1129.6 30.0
C 61 - 86 932.0 52.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1561.8 43.0
D 87 - 112 1055.1 78.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1926.9 56.0
E 113 - 138 1164.1 97.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2054.9 69.0
F 139 - 164 1523.8 115.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2437.8 82.0
G 165 - 190 1572.9 133.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 2510.1 95.0
H 191 - 216 1869.4 151.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 2829.8 108.0
I 217 - 242 2163.7 169.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3147.3 121.0
J 243 - 268 2267.2 188.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 3275.0 134.0
K 269 - 294 2709.7 206.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 3740.7 147.0
L 295 - 320 2813.3 224.0 648.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 3877.9 160.0

C2 Elementary/Junior Secondary with Kindergarten (K - Grade 9/Secondary 3)

(1–26 Kindergarten FTEs and 10-476 Elementary/Secondary Enrolments)

(excluding Kindergarten, but including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 566.8 27.0 250.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 989.6 20.0
B 35 - 60 877.5 45.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1500.3 30.0
C 61 - 86 1155.4 63.0 460.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1824.2 43.0
D 87 - 112 1213.2 81.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2088.0 56.0
E 113 - 138 1425.7 99.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2318.5 69.0
F 139 - 164 1616.5 118.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2533.5 82.0
G 165 - 190 1907.5 136.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 2847.7 95.0
H 191 - 216 2022.0 154.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 2985.4 108.0
I 217 - 242 2316.3 172.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3302.9 121.0
J 243 - 268 2419.8 190.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 3429.6 134.0
K 269 - 294 2856.9 209.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 3890.9 147.0
L 295 - 320 2960.4 227.0 750.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4130.0 160.0
M 321 - 346 3091.2 245.0 750.0 116.4 20.2 71.6 4294.4 173.0
N 347 - 372 3265.6 263.0 750.0 124.2 22.8 76.8 4502.4 186.0
O 373 - 398 3456.4 281.0 1064.0 132.0 25.4 82.0 5040.8 199.0
P 399 - 424 3570.8 300.0 1064.0 139.8 28.0 87.2 5189.8 212.0
Q 425 - 450 3772.5 318.0 1064.0 147.6 30.6 92.4 5425.1 225.0
R 451 - 476 3892.4 336.0 1064.0 155.4 33.2 97.6 5578.6 236.5

C3 Elementary/Junior Secondary with Kindergarten (K - Grade 9/Secondary 3)

(27–52 Kindergarten FTEs and 295–476 Elementary/Secondary Enrolments)
(excluding Kindergarten, but including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 295 - 320 3102.1 245.0 750.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4289.7 160.0
B 321 - 346 3238.4 263.0 750.0 116.4 20.2 71.6 4459.6 173.0
C 347 - 372 3429.1 281.0 1064.0 124.2 22.8 76.8 4997.9 186.0
D 373 - 398 3603.5 300.0 1064.0 132.0 25.4 82.0 5206.9 199.0
E 399 - 424 3718.0 318.0 1064.0 139.8 28.0 87.2 5355.0 212.0
F 425 - 450 3919.6 336.0 1064.0 147.6 30.6 92.4 5590.2 225.0
G 451 - 476 4039.5 354.0 1064.0 155.4 33.2 97.6 5743.7 238.0

D1 Comprehensive Elementary/Secondary without Kindergarten (Grade 1 - Grade 12/Secondary 5)

(0 Kindergarten FTEs and 10-320 Elementary/Secondary Enrolments)
(including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 234.4 24.0 250.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 654.2 20.0
B 35 - 60 517.8 42.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1137.6 30.0
C 61 - 86 932.0 60.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1569.8 43.0
D 87 - 112 1055.1 70.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1918.9 56.0
E 113 - 138 1164.1 88.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2045.9 69.0
F 139 - 164 1736.4 106.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2641.4 82.0
G 165 - 190 1780.0 125.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 2709.2 95.0
H 191 - 216 2114.6 143.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 3067.0 108.0
I 217 - 242 2305.4 161.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3281.0 121.0
J 243 - 268 2408.9 179.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 3407.7 134.0
K 269 - 294 3080.3 197.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 4102.3 147.0
L 295 - 320 3178.4 216.0 648.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4235.0 160.0

D2 Comprehensive Elementary/Secondary with Kindergarten (K - Grade 12/Secondary 5)

(1–26 Kindergarten FTEs and 10-424 Elementary/Secondary Enrolments)
(excluding Kindergarten, but including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/
Wellness GFA Allowance (m²)
Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 566.8 30.0 250.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 992.6 20.0
B 35 - 60 877.5 50.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1505.3 30.0
C 61 - 86 1155.4 63.0 460.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1824.2 43.0
D 87 - 112 1213.2 81.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2088.0 56.0
E 113 - 138 1453.0 99.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2345.8 69.0
F 139 - 164 1829.0 118.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2746.0 82.0
G 165 - 190 2076.5 136.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 3016.7 95.0
H 191 - 216 2267.2 154.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 3230.6 108.0
I 217 - 242 2458.0 172.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3444.6 121.0
J 243 - 268 2561.5 190.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 3571.3 134.0
K 269 - 294 3227.5 209.0 648.0 100.8 20.0 61.2 4261.5 147.0
L 295 - 320 3325.6 227.0 750.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4495.2 160.0
M 321 - 346 3554.5 245.0 750.0 116.4 20.2 71.6 4757.7 173.0
N 347 - 372 3777.9 263.0 750.0 124.2 22.8 76.8 5014.7 186.0
O 373 - 398 4045.0 281.0 1064.0 132.0 25.4 82.0 5629.4 199.0
P 399 - 424 4164.9 300.0 1064.0 139.8 28.0 87.2 5783.9 212.0

D3 Comprehensive Elementary/Secondary with Kindergarten (K- Grade 12/Secondary 5)

(27–52 Kindergarten FTEs and 295–580 Elementary/Secondary Enrolments)
(excluding Kindergarten, but including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 295 - 320 3472.7 245.0 750.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4660.3 160.0
B 321 - 346 3696.2 263.0 750.0 116.4 20.2 71.6 4917.4 173.0
C 347 - 372 3941.4 281.0 1064.0 124.2 22.8 76.8 5510.2 186.0
D 373 - 398 4192.1 300.0 1064.0 132.0 25.4 82.0 5795.5 199.0
E 399 - 424 4312.0 318.0 1064.0 139.8 28.0 87.2 5949.0 212.0
F 425 - 450 4410.1 336.0 1064.0 147.6 30.6 92.4 6080.7 225.0
G 451 - 476 4530.0 336.0 1064.0 155.4 33.2 97.6 6216.2 238.0
H 477 - 502 4628.1 354.0 1064.0 163.2 35.8 102.8 6347.9 251.0
I 503 - 528 4748.0 391.0 1064.0 171.0 38.4 108.0 6520.4 264.0
J 529 - 554 4851.6 409.0 1064.0 178.8 41.0 113.2 6657.6 277.0
K 555 - 580 4960.6 427.0 1064.0 186.6 43.6 118.4 6800.2 290.0

E1 Intermediate Elementary/Junior Secondary (Grade 4- Grade 9/Secondary 3)

(0 Kindergarten and 10-528 Intermediate/Secondary Enrolments)
(including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 245.1 15.0 250.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 655.9 20.0
B 35 - 60 541.5 34.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1153.3 30.0
C 61 - 86 974.7 52.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1604.5 43.0
D 87 - 112 1103.5 70.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1967.3 56.0
E 113 - 138 1217.5 88.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2099.3 69.0
F 139 - 164 1560.7 106.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 2465.7 82.0
G 165 - 190 1667.8 124.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 2596.0 95.0
H 191 - 216 1943.7 143.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 2896.1 108.0
I 217 - 242 2063.4 161.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3039.0 121.0
J 243 - 268 2399.7 179.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 3398.5 134.0
K 269 - 294 2508.0 197.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 3530.0 147.0
L 295 - 320 2941.2 216.0 750.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4099.8 160.0
M 321 - 346 3049.5 234.0 750.0 116.4 20.2 71.6 4241.7 173.0
N 347 - 372 3294.6 252.0 1064.0 124.2 22.8 76.8 4834.4 186.0
O 373 - 398 3442.8 270.0 1064.0 132.0 25.4 82.0 5016.2 199.0
P 399 - 424 3716.4 288.0 1064.0 139.8 28.0 87.2 5323.4 212.0
Q 425 - 450 3848.6 307.0 1064.0 147.6 30.6 92.4 5490.2 225.0
R 451 - 476 3968.3 325.0 1064.0 155.4 33.2 97.6 5643.5 238.0
S 477 - 502 4133.6 343.0 1064.0 163.2 35.8 102.8 5842.4 251.0
T 503 - 528 4259.0 361.0 1064.0 171.0 38.4 108.0 6001.4 264.0

F1 Intermediate Elementary/Secondary (Grade 4 - Grade 12/Secondary 5)

(0 Kindergarten and 10-632 Intermediate/Secondary Enrolments)

(including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 245.1 15.0 250.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 655.9 20.0
B 35 - 60 541.5 34.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1153.3 30.0
C 61 - 86 974.7 52.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1604.5 43.0
D 87 - 112 1303.0 70.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2166.8 56.0
E 113 - 138 1485.3 88.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2367.1 69.0
F 139 - 164 2332.0 106.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 3237.0 82.0
G 165 - 190 2531.9 125.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 3461.1 95.0
H 191 - 216 2893.0 143.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 3845.4 108.0
I 217 - 242 3010.6 161.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3986.2 121.0
J 243 - 268 3015.3 179.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 4014.1 134.0
K 269 - 294 3123.6 198.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 4146.6 147.0
L 295 - 320 3575.0 216.0 1064.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4733.6 160.0
M 321 - 346 3677.6 234.0 1064.0 116.4 20.2 71.6 4869.8 173.0
N 347 - 372 3860.0 252.0 1064.0 124.2 22.8 76.8 5399.8 186.0
O 373 - 398 3962.6 270.0 1064.0 132.0 25.4 82.0 5536.0 199.0
P 399 - 424 4184.9 288.0 1064.0 139.8 28.0 87.2 5791.9 212.0
Q 425 - 450 4287.5 307.0 1064.0 147.6 30.6 92.4 5929.1 225.0
R 451 - 476 4412.9 325.0 1064.0 155.4 33.2 97.6 6088.1 238.0
S 477 - 502 4515.5 343.0 1064.0 163.2 35.8 102.8 6224.3 251.0
T 503 - 528 4640.9 361.0 1064.0 171.0 38.4 108.0 6383.3 264.0
U 529 - 554 4846.1 379.0 1064.0 178.8 41.0 113.2 6622.1 277.0
V 555 - 580 4971.5 398.0 1064.0 186.6 43.6 118.4 6782.1 290.0
W 581 - 606 5119.7 416.0 1064.0 194.4 46.2 123.6 6963.9 303.0
X 607 - 632 5245.1 434.0 1064.0 202.2 48.8 128.8 7122.9 316.0

G1 Secondary (Grade 7/Secondary 1 - Grade 12/Secondary 5)

(0 Kindergarten and 10-632 Secondary Enrolments)

(including Special/Inclusive Education students)
Basic GFA Allowance (m²) Cafeteria GFA Allowance (m²) Gymnasium GFA Allowance (m²) Language and Culture GFA Allowance (m²) Knowledge Keeper's GFA Allowance (m²) Counselling/Wellness GFA Allowance (m²) Standard Sub-Total GFA Allowance (m²) Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance (m²)
A 10 - 34 245.1 15.0 250.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 655.9 20.0
B 35 - 60 541.5 34.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1153.3 30.0
C 61 - 86 974.7 52.0 432.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 1604.5 43.0
D 87 - 112 1303.0 70.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2166.8 56.0
E 113 - 138 1485.3 88.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 30.0 2367.1 69.0
F 139 - 164 2332.0 106.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 35.2 3237.0 82.0
G 165 - 190 2531.9 125.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 40.4 3461.1 95.0
H 191 - 216 2893.0 143.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 45.6 3845.4 108.0
I 217 - 242 3010.6 161.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 50.8 3986.2 121.0
J 243 - 268 3015.3 179.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 56.0 4014.1 134.0
K 269 - 294 3123.6 198.0 648.0 100.8 15.0 61.2 4146.6 147.0
L 295 - 320 3575.0 216.0 1064.0 108.6 17.6 66.4 4733.6 160.0
M 321 - 346 3677.6 234.0 1064.0 116.4 20.2 71.6 4869.8 173.0
N 347 - 372 3860.0 252.0 1064.0 124.2 22.8 76.8 5399.8 186.0
O 373 - 398 3962.6 270.0 1064.0 132.0 25.4 82.0 5536.0 199.0
P 399 - 424 4184.9 288.0 1064.0 139.8 28.0 87.2 5791.9 212.0
Q 425 - 450 4287.5 307.0 1064.0 147.6 30.6 92.4 5929.1 225.0
R 451 - 476 4412.9 325.0 1064.0 155.4 33.2 97.6 6088.1 238.0
S 477 - 502 4515.5 343.0 1064.0 163.2 35.8 102.8 6224.3 251.0
T 503 - 528 4640.9 361.0 1064.0 171.0 38.4 108.0 6383.3 264.0
U 529 - 554 4846.1 379.0 1064.0 178.8 41.0 113.2 6622.1 277.0
V 555 - 580 4971.5 398.0 1064.0 186.6 43.6 118.4 6782.1 290.0
W 581 - 606 5119.7 416.0 1064.0 194.4 46.2 123.6 6963.9 303.0
X 607 - 632 5245.1 434.0 1064.0 202.2 48.8 128.8 7122.9 316.0

Appendix D: School Space Accommodation Standards Application Example

The following illustrates how to use Appendix A: Worksheets through an example of calculating the School Space Accommodations Standards for a Comprehensive Elementary/Secondary School, Kindergarten to Grade 12.

Step 1: Preliminary SSAS information

Step 1.1: School Project Information

Summarize the proposed school project and gather the information that is necessary for the application of the SSAS:

  • School project scope (Grade range): Kindergarten – Grade 12
  • Zone: Zone 2
  • Is the school part of an emergency plan for the community?: Yes
  • Design horizon (typically 10 years): 10
Step 1.2: Demographic Report Data

Table 1 shows a 10 year design horizon. An alternate design horizon (up to 12 years) must be justified in a demographic report. The report should include a projection broken down by grades.

Fill in the following information with the results from the demographic report (this includes students in Kindergarten and Special/Inclusive education programs). Please note: regardless of the provincial education curriculum, ISC allows full-day attendance of Kindergarten students:

Table 1 Projected Enrolment by Grade
Grade Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 (Opening year) Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 (Design horizon)
K4 7 6 7 6 9 8 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10
K5 11 11 11 12 13 12 13 12 13 14 13 14 13 14 13
1 12 11 11 11 12 13 12 13 12 13 14 13 14 13 14
2 11 12 11 11 12 12 13 12 13 12 13 14 13 14 14
3 10 11 12 11 12 12 12 13 12 13 12 13 14 13 14
4 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 12 13 12 13 12 13 14 13
5 11 11 10 11 13 11 12 12 12 13 12 13 14 14 14
6 10 11 11 10 12 13 11 12 12 12 13 12 13 14 14
7 9 9 10 11 10 12 12 11 12 11 12 13 12 13 13
8 10 9 9 9 10 10 12 12 10 12 11 12 13 11 13
9 9 10 8 9 9 10 10 12 12 10 12 11 12 13 11
10 10 9 10 9 10 9 9 10 12 12 10 12 12 12 13
11 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 9 12 12 10 12 12 12
12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 12 12 10 11 12
Total 141 140 141 142 152 154 156 159 162 165 169 171 175 178 180

Step 2: Proposed school project enrolment (SSAS input information)

Step 2.1: Enrolment projection adjustments

Where applicable, enter approved enrolment adjustments in Table 2.1.

Where there are no manual adjustments for a particular grade, enter "0" on that line for the total.

Provide rationale and justification for enrolment adjustments in Demographic report and attach to Appendix B.

Table 2.1 Enrolment Adjustments
Grades Additional Student Spaces (Provide rationale) Deducted Student Spaces (Provide rationale) Total
K4 0 0 0
K5 3 2 1
1 4 2 2
2 2 2 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
7 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
9 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
11 0 0 0
12 0 0 0
Total 9 6 3

Complete Appendix B form for enrolment adjustments and include justification with supporting documentation.

Step 2.2: Gathering enrolment projection information

Compile the data as indicated in Table 2.2.

  • Projected enrolments for the design horizon should be extracted from Table 1 - Projected Enrolment by Grade, Design Horizon column, as determined by the demographic report. Kindergarten enrolments should be included as Full-Time Enrolments.
  • Manual Adjustments to Enrolments are extracted from Table 2.1.
  • The Total Enrolments for SSAS is the sum of the Projected Enrolment for Design Horizon and the Manual Adjustments to Enrolments.
Table 2.2 Projected Total Enrolments
Grades Projected Enrolment for Design Horizon Manual Adjustments to Enrolments Total Enrolments for SSAS
K4 10 0 10
K5 13 1 14
1 14 2 16
2 14 0 14
3 14 0 14
4 13 0 13
5 14 0 14
6 14 0 14
7 13 0 13
8 13 0 13
9 11 0 11
10 13 0 13
11 12 0 12
12 12 0 12
Step 2.3 Summary of Total Enrolments
  • Use the values from "Total Enrolments for SSAS" in Table 2.2 to calculate the summary of values below.

Note: Starting at Table 2.3, Line Numbers are assigned to values to provide reference points throughout the following steps:

Table 2.3 Summary of Total Enrolments
1 Total Kindergarten (K4+K5): 24
2 Total Elementary/Secondary (Grades 1-12): 159
3 Total enrolment, add Line 1 and Line 2: 183

Step 3: Calculation of Gross Floor Area Allowances (SSAS Application)

Use Table 3.1 to determine which Appendix C Table is applicable for the proposed school project.

  • Use the value of Line 1 to find the applicable range of Kindergarten enrolments.
  • Use the value of Line 2 to find the applicable range of Elementary/Secondary enrolments.
  • If the values for Line 1 and Line 2 fit within the same row of ranges in Table 3.1, find the applicable SSAS table in Appendix C and proceed to Table 3.2.
  • If the values for Line 1 and Line 2 do not line up on one row in Table 3.1 use the upper row to find the applicable table in Appendix C. Then, use Table 3.3 or Table 3.4 to calculate the additional space for Kindergarten or Elementary/Secondary respectively.
  • If one or both of the enrolments do not fit within the range of values within Table 3.1 follow the steps below:
    • If just the Kindergarten enrolment (Line 1) does not fit within the range of enrolment listed in Table 3.1, use the relevant range of enrolments for Elementary/Secondary to find the applicable table in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.3 which provides a way to calculate additional space for extra Kindergarten enrolments. Below is an example where the Kindergarten enrolment is not within the ranges listed in Table 3.1:
      • If there are 56 Kindergarten students and 310 in grades 1 to 4 students, select B3 in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.3 to calculate additional space for extra Kindergarten enrolments.
    • If just the Elementary/Secondary enrolment (Line 2) does not fit within the range of enrolments listed in Table 3.1, use the relevant range enrolments for Kindergarten to find the applicable table in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.4 which provides a way to calculate additional space for extra Elementary/Secondary enrolments. Below is an example where the Elementary/Secondary enrolment is not within the ranges listed in Table 3.1:
      • If there are 25 Kindergarten students and 400 in grades 1 to 6 students, select B2 in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.4 to calculate additional space for extra Elementary/Secondary enrolments.
    • If both your Kindergarten and Elementary/Secondary enrolment values are above the range of values provided in Table 3.1, then use the lowest row of enrolments possible for your school type and apply the corresponding SSAS Appendix C Table. Then proceed to both Table 3.3 and Table 3.4 to calculate the additional space required. Below is an example where two values are not found within the ranges listed in Table 3.1:
      • If there are 57 Kindergarten students and 400 students in grades 1 to 6, select B3 in Appendix C. Then proceed to Table 3.3 to calculate additional space for Kindergarten enrolments. Next, proceed to Table 3.4 to calculate additional space for Elementary/Secondary enrolments.

Note: In this example, the school type is Comprehensive Elementary/Secondary

Table 3.1 Guide to Appendix C
School Type Grade Range Range of enrolments in Kindergarten (Line 1) Range of enrolments in grades 1 to 12 Elementary/Secondary (Line 2) SSAS Tables Appendix C
Kindergarten Only K4 to K5 10-156 0 A1
(Includes Primary & Intermediate)
K to 6 0 10-242 B1
1-26 1-320 B2
27-52 35-320 B3
Elementary/Junior Secondary K to 9 0 10-320 C1
1-26 10-476 C2
27-52 295-476 C3
Comprehensive Elementary/Secondary K to 12 0 10-320 D1
1-26 10-424 D2
27-52 295-580 D3
Intermediate Elementary/Junior Secondary 4 to 9 0 10-528 E1
Intermediate Elementary /Secondary 4 to 12 0 10-632 F1
Secondary 7 to 12 0 10-632 G1

Use the applicable table from Appendix C to determine the values for Table 3.2:

Table 3.2 Determining Gross Floor Area Allowances
4 Basic Space Allowance (Basic GFA): 1829.0 m²
5 Cafeteria Space Allowance (Cafeteria GFA): 118.0 m²
6 Gymnasium Space Allowance (Gymnasium GFA): 648.0 m²
7 Language & Culture Space Allowance (Language & Culture GFA): 100.8 m²
8 Knowledge Keeper Space Allowance (Knowledge Keeper GFA): 15.0 m²
9 Counselling/Flexible/Itinerant Space Allowance (Counselling & Wellness GFA): 35.2 m²
10 Standard Sub-total GFA Allowance, add Lines 4 to 9: 2746.0 m²
11 Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance: 82.0 m²

If there are no further adjustments proceed to Table 3.5.

Adjustments for enrolments higher than SSAS table limits (See section 2.7)

  • If your projected Kindergarten enrolment is less than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, skip Lines 12 to 18
  • If your projected Kindergarten enrolment is greater than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, fill in Lines 12 to 18 (Table 3.3)

Table 3.3 Additional Space Allowance for Kindergarten Enrolment (for values greater than those Listed in Table 3.1)

Table 3.3 calculates the allocation of space required for each increment of 26 students for Kindergarten classrooms, circulation, and service spaces.

12 Kindergarten Enrolment, Line 1: NA
13 From the Line of Table 3.1 that you used, enter the upper value of the corresponding Kindergarten enrolment-bracket (For example, for a K enrolment of 27–52, enter 52 here): NA
14 Enrolment shortage not yet included in GFA, subtract Line 12 with Line 13: NA
15 Divide Line 14 by 26: NA
16 Round up Line 15 to the next unit (for example if Line 15 equals 2.34, enter 3): NA
17 Additional unit GFA Space Allowance (100.8 m² (net) divided by 0.75 ratio): 134.4 m²
18 Additional Kindergarten GFA, multiply Line 16 by Line 17: 0 m²
  • If your projected Elementary/Secondary enrolment is less than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, skip Lines 19 to 25
  • If your projected Elementary/Secondary enrolment is greater than the maximum enrolment listed in Table 3.1, fill in Lines 19 to 25 (Table 3.4)

Table 3.4 Additional Space Allowance for Elementary/Secondary Enrolment (for values greater than those listed in Table 3.1)

Table 3.4 calculates the allocation of space required for each increment of 26 students for Elementary/Secondary classrooms, circulation, and service spaces.

19 Elementary/Secondary Enrolment, Line 2: NA
20 From the line of Table 3.1 that you used, enter the upper value of the corresponding Elementary/Secondary enrolment-bracket. (For example, for an enrolment of 10-320, enter 320 here): NA
21 Enrolment shortage not yet included in GFA, subtract Line 19 with Line 20: NA
22 Divide Line 21 by 26: NA
23 Round up Line 22 to the next unit (for example if Line 22 equals 2.34, enter 3): NA
24 Additional unit GFA Space Allowance (80 m² (net) divided by 0.75 ratio): 106.7 m²
25 Additional Elementary/Secondary GFA, multiply Line 23 by Line 24: 0 m²

Additional Gross Floor Area allowance for Special/Inclusive Education Students (See section 2.8 and glossary)

The department provides additional space allowance for the projected number of Special/Inclusive education students with mild to profound needs. The determination of the Total GFA allowance for a school. To determine the number of special needs students in First Nation communities, teachers and specialists are involved in the assessment of students to determine their eligibility for special education services. The projected number of students receiving services should correspond with the rate of change for enrolments within the demographic report.

Enter the approved projected number of Special/Inclusive education student enrolments in Table 3.5 below:

Note: For this community, 35% of students are receiving Special/Inclusive Education Services. 35% has been applied to the projected enrolments to estimate future Special/Inclusive education enrolments.

Table 3.5 Special/Inclusive Education Student Enrolment
Grades Projected Special/Inclusive Education Student Enrolments
26 K4 4
27 K5 5
28 1 6
29 2 5
30 3 5
31 4 5
32 5 5
33 6 5
34 7 5
35 8 5
36 9 4
37 10 5
38 11 5
39 12 5
Table 3.6 Space Allowance for Special/Inclusive Education Students
40 Total Special/Inclusive Education Kindergarten, add Line 26 and Line 27: 9
41 Total Special/Inclusive Education Elementary/Secondary, add Lines 28 to 39: 60
42 Total Special/Inclusive Education enrolment, add Line 40 and Line 41: 65
43 Additional Space Allowance for each Special/Inclusive Education Student: 3.75 m²
44 Additional GFA for Special/Inclusive Education Students, multiply Line 42 by Line 43: 243.75 m²

The allocation of 3.75 m²/student is dedicated to support Special/Inclusive education services specific to the learning community. Table 3.7 identifies the type of Special/Inclusive services needed, how frequently they are to be delivered and the number of participants expected to receive those services. Certain services may be delivered to different numbers of participants, for example, large group instruction (26 students), small group remediation (3 to 5 students), or individual support. This information will inform the education specification when determining the location, adjacencies, capacity and utilization of space required for each service.

45 Table 3.7 Special/Inclusive Education Services

Note: the following services of this example are typical services. Each project should specifically identify the Special/Inclusive education services within the learning community.

Identify proposed Services and Programing for Special/Inclusive Education (see Appendix C for examples): Schedule (the duration and hours/day/week/school year that the service is delivered): Number of projected Specialists or Staff: Number of projected Recipients:
Speech & Language: A speech therapist will visit the community to train staff and work directly with students. Teachers and assistants provide Speech and Language therapy daily. Speech and language therapy will be offered daily in 20-minute sessions for 2 hours per day, five days a week. 4 48 recipients 1 - 3 recipients in each meeting
Literacy: The Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy program will be utilized within the school. The Leveled Literacy program is offered daily for 30-minute sessions for 3 - 4 hours per day. 8 60 recipients 1 – 3 recipients in each meeting
Numeracy: The Mathletics and Jump Math programs will be offered at the school. Pull-out math activities will be offered daily for 20 minutes for 2 hours per day. 5 39 recipients 1 – 4 recipients in each meeting
Pull-out Support: Pull-out workspaces are there for teachers and teaching aides to provide additional instruction. Academic support is provided for students throughout the school. Teacher Aides work with students during class and in pull-out spaces. 10 65 recipients 1 – 4 recipients. Sometimes meetings include family.
Push-in Support: Push-in spaces are there to support students within the classroom. Various supports are offered during the day to students in class. Also, specialists might visit classrooms to observe, instruct, or support students and staff. 10 65 recipients 1 – 4 recipients
Sensory: The sensory room is used for students to power up or power down as needed daily. It is estimated that it would be in use for one to three hours a day. 8 50 recipients. 1 recipient at a time within a sensory room
Counseling: Counseling services will be offered to students and their family members. Counseling services are available to staff, students, and their families for the entire school day once a week. 2.5 (One is part time) 61 recipients 1 – 5 recipients in each meeting (including family)
Occupational Therapist: An Occupational Therapist visits the community to train staff and work directly with students. OT will work with staff and students for 2 to 4 hours per day twice a month. Staff will work with students for 1 to 3 hours per day. 4 10 recipients 1 recipient in each meeting
High-cost Specialties: A team of specialists work virtually and in-person with staff. Staff use pull-out space and the sensory room to work with several students with severe disabilities. 1 – 3 5 recipients that would utilize OT and other spaces
Health: A Community Nurse visits the school twice a week, a dental hygienist visits once every 3 months, and an optical Specialist visits 1 a year. Community Nurse is at the school for 2 hours a day twice a week. The dental hygienist is at the school for 6 hours every three months, and the optical specialist is at the school for 6 hours once a year. 3 All three specialists meet with the entire school.
Table 3.8 Eligibility Criteria for Additional Service Based Special/Inclusive Education Allowance

From the education specification, calculate the total area required for Special/Inclusive Education Services:

288.95 m²


Add Counselling and Wellness GFA (Line 9) and Additional GFA for Special/Inclusive Education Students (Line 44):

278.95 m²

  • If Line 46 is less than or equal to Line 47, enter "0" on this line:
  • If Line 46 is greater than Line 47, subtract Line 46 from Line 47 and enter that value on this line:

10 m²

  • If the allocation of space on Line 48 is greater than 0, attach the outline of Special/Inclusive education spaces, and justification for additional space to Appendix B.

Additional Gross Floor Area Allowance for Community Gathering Space (See section 2.9 and glossary)

As outlined in Section 2.9, First Nation communities may need additional space for emergencies or community gatherings.

  • Additional space for community gatherings is calculated based on assembly occupancy with non-fixed seats and tables.
  • It is assumed that 33% of the assembly will be comprised of the student body.
  • Justification must be provided if additional space is required. Provide rationale and justification in Appendix B.
Table 3.9 Eligibility Criteria for Community Gathering Allowance
Yes No
49 Does the community have access to a community or school facility that accommodates community gatherings? X
  • If the answer to Line 49 is "No", the school project may be eligible for additional gym/cafeteria space. Fill in Table 3.10.
  • If the answer to Line 49 is "Yes", skip down to Line 55 and enter "0".
Table 3.10 Additional Space Allowance for Community Gathering
50 Total Number of Students identified in the demographic report, Line 3: 183
51 Multiply Line 50 by 3: 549
52 The allocation of space is 0.75 m² per person for non-fixed seats and tables: 0.75 m²
53 GFA for gathering space, multiply Line 51 by Line 52: 411.8 m²
54 Add Cafeteria GFA (Line 5) and Gymnasium GFA (Line 6): 766.0 m²
  • If Gathering Space (Line 53) is less than or equal to Line 54, enter "0" on this line:
  • If Gathering Space (Line 53) is greater than Line 54, Subtract Line 54 from Line 53:
0.0 m²

Additional Gross Floor Area Allowance for Emergency Planning Space (See section 2.9 and glossary)

Table 3.11 Eligibility Criteria for Emergency Planning Allowance
Yes No
56 Does the community have access to facilities for emergency events? X
57 Has the capacity of existing facilities sufficiently supported past emergency events? X
58 Is the community located in Zone 1 or 2? X
  • If you answered "No" to Line 56, Line 57, or Line 58, your project may be eligible for additional emergency planning space allowance. Fill in Table 3.12.
  • If you answered "Yes" to Line 56, Line 57, and Line 58, your project is not eligible for additional emergency planning space allowance. Skip down to Line 63 and enter "0".
  • If the community does not have an emergency response plan in place:
    • Engage community leaders, provincial and regional emergency planning, and Indigenous Services Canada regional representatives to identify potential emergency events.
    • Identify how the community would expect to utilize a school facility in the event of an emergency.
    • Provide supporting documentation on engagement and emergency planning. Attach to Appendix B.
  • Additional space for emergency use is calculated based on the expected use and projected Occupant Load indicated in an emergency planning document.
  • The ratio of space for the occupant load should be determined using the area per person for an assembly occupancy within the provincial building code (or if applicable the national building code).

Note: This community is part of a provincial regional emergency plan. It is to support mustering and food services in the event of a forest fire. Only two classrooms (160 m²) would be suitable to support these emergency services.

Table 3.12 Additional Space Allowance for Emergency Planning
59 Total Number of Occupants identified in an emergency plan: 787
60 Ratio of space, based on the area per person ratio for the type of use for occupancy load in accordance with the provincial or national building code. Enter the ratio here: 1.20 m²
61 GFA for emergency planning, multiply Line 59 by Line 60: 944.4 m²
62 Add Cafeteria GFA (Line 5), Gymnasium GFA (Line 6), Additional Gathering Space (Line 55), and Classroom Allocation from the education specification: 926.0 m²
  • If Emergency Planning Space (Line 61) is less than or equal to Line 62, enter "0" on this line:
  • If Emergency Planning Space (Line 61) is greater than Line 62, subtract Line 62 from Line 61:
18.4 m²

Additional Gross Floor Area Allowance for Additional Storage Space (See section 2.10)

  • Additional storage space may be funded pending approved justification.
  • In isolated areas where schools get their supplies only once a year, it is particularly important that sufficient storage space be available.
  • Storage space is comprised of administration, gym, education, O&M, and custodial space.
  • Storage for emergencies is included in Table 3.12.
  • Attach rational and justification for additional storage space to Appendix B for review.

Approved and justified additional storage space is inputted on Line 64 below.

Table 3.13 Additional Space Allowance for Indoor and/or Outdoor Storage Space
64 Additional Space Allowance for Storage: 0 m²

Additional Gross Floor Area allowance for mechanical services

  • Attach rational and justification for mechanical space to Appendix B for review.
Table 3.14 Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Rooms
65 Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Rooms. This allocation should be determined with a mechanical consultant: 137.3 m²
Table 3.15 Summary of School Space Allowances SSAS Application Results
66 Basic Space Allowance (Basic GFA), Line 4: 1829.0 m²
67 Cafeteria Space Allowance (Cafeteria GFA), Line 5: 118.7 m²
68 Gymnasium Space Allowance (Gymnasium GFA), Line 6: 648.0 m²
69 Language & Culture Space Allowance (Language & Culture GFA), Line 7: 100.8 m²
70 Knowledge Keeper Space Allowance (Knowledge Keeper GFA), Line 8: 15.0 m²
71 Counselling/Flexible/Itinerant Space Allowance (Counselling & Wellness GFA), Line 9: 35.2 m²
72 Standard Sub-total GFA Allowance, Line 10: 2746.0 m²
73 Additional Space Allowance for Kindergarten Enrolment beyond Values Listed, Line 18, or 0 if there were no adjustments: 0 m²
74 Additional Space Allowance for Elementary/Secondary Enrolment beyond Values Listed, Line 25, or 0 0 m²
75 Additional Space Allowances for Special/Inclusive Education Students, Line 44: 243.75 m²
76 Additional Space Allowances for Service Based Special/Inclusive Education, Line 48: 10 m²
77 Additional Space Allowance for Community Gathering, Line 55: 0 m²
78 Additional Space Allowance for Emergency Planning, Line 63: 18.4 m²
79 Additional Space Allowance for Storage, Line 64: 0 m²
80 Additional Space Allowance for Mechanical Services, Line 65: 137.3 m²
81 Total Additional Gross Space Allowances, add Lines 73 to 80: 409.45 m²
82 Grand Total of GFA Allowances for the Proposed School, add Line 72 and Line 81: 3155.5 m²
83 Outdoor Learning Space GFA Allowance, Line 11: 82.0 m²

Appendix E: Glossary

Appendix E provides a list of terms used throughout the SSAS.

Assembly Occupancy: The occupancy or the use of a building or part thereof, by a gathering of persons for cultural, social, educational, recreational, emergency or like purposes.

Basic space allowance (Basic GFA): The Basic Gross Floor Area is space allocated for education, administration, washrooms, storage, facility services, circulation, technology, walls and structure.

Cafeteria space allowance (Cafeteria GFA): The Cafeteria Gross Floor Area is space allocated for kitchens and cafeterias.

Community gathering GFA (Community GFA): The community gathering gross floor area is additional space allocated based on extenuating circumstances where there is no existing gathering space within an existing community school, or another community building. Additional space for community gatherings is calculated based on assembly occupancy with non-fixed seats and tables. See Appendix A, Table 3.9 for eligible criteria, and Table 3.10 for calculations.

Counselling / Flexible / Itinerant space allowance (Counselling & Wellness GFA): The Counselling & Wellness Gross Floor Area may be allocated for counseling, education/wellness specialists, special/inclusive education, and first aid.

Design Horizon: The timeline between the opening of a school facility and when that facility reaches capacity. Design horizon projections are a sub-set of the enrolment projections. First Nations school projects are sized on the base student enrolment reaching capacity within a 10 - 12 year design horizon after a school opens.

Education Specialist: An educator who works with a prime consultant on the education report within a feasibility study.

Education Specification: The link between education programing and the physical facilities. It is a comprehensive document that illustrates the community's vision, culture, language, demographics, programing, pedagogy, and services. It utilizes all the information gathered to develop descriptions of spaces and building systems; illustrations of adjacencies and connections; utilization and capacity calculations; lists and layouts of furnishings and equipment; and definitions of the facility's expected perform.

Emergency response GFA (Emergency GFA): The Emergency Gross Floor Area is additional space allocated based on extenuating circumstances where the Gym GFA and the Standard sub-total do not meet the required space required within a community's emergency plan. The space requirements for an emergency plan are determined from the type of use and the number of occupants identified in that emergency plan. Use and occupancy should comply with applicable building codes. See Appendix A, Table 3.11 for eligible criteria, and Table 3.12 for calculations.

Enrolment Projection: The estimated number of students who will attend a school based on the community and education demographic trends within a community.

Enrolment Projection Adjustments: The manual adjustments to enrolment projections that include potential First Nations students or non-First Nations students living off-reserve subject to joint school contribution arrangement with provincial authorities, or not-accounted-for students that should be considered.

Extra Storage Space GFA (Extra storage GFA): The Extra Storage Gross Floor Area is space allocated based on extenuating circumstances where the basic GFA does not provide sufficient space for storage. Justification must be provided for any additional storage requirements within an education specification.

Full-day Kindergarten: The schedule for Kindergarten students is assumed to be an entire school day (not half-day).

Grade Ranges: The actual grade range will be based on the specific education programing within a First Nation community. There is flexibility to vary the grade ranges based on the requirements within a community. For the purpose of the SSAS, grade ranges are grouped together in Appendix C tables:

Gymnasium space allowance (Gymnasium GFA): The space that is allocated for physical education.

Itinerant Service Space: The space that may be shared between multiple education or health specialists that are visiting a facility.

Knowledge Keeper's Office: Traditional Services space allowance (Knowledge Keeper GFA): The Knowledge Keeper Gross Floor Area is space allocated for Knowledge Keepers and those who are working with students and staff.

Language and Culture space allowance (Language and Culture GFA): The Language and Culture Gross Floor Area is space allocated for the preservation, revitalization, and strengthening of Indigenous languages and cultures.

Mechanical Room GFA (Mechanical GFA): The Mechanical Gross Floor Area is space allocated for mechanical systems. The size of the mechanical space is based on the size of a school, number of occupants, location and other factors. A preliminary estimate of space should be provided by a mechanical engineer.

Net Floor Area (NFA): The Total GFA minus the area for circulation (for example corridors, stairways), entrance lobbies, foyers, vestibules, facility service spaces, and walls.

Occupancy: The use or intended use of a building or part thereof for the shelter or support of persons.

Occupant Load: The number of persons for which a building or part thereof is designed.

Outdoor Learning Space: Exterior space used for formal and informal education activities. The space may include but are not limited to outdoor workstations, seating areas, clearings, trails, etc. The space may be attached to the school, or may be a separate space on the school site.

Room Data Sheet: Detailed description of an interior space based on the requirements identified within a feasibility study. Data includes: size, number of occupants, type of uses, adjacencies, millwork, furniture, fixtures, equipment, acoustics, windows/natural lighting, mechanical systems (HVAC, and plumbing requirements), and electrical systems (lighting, power, communications and connectivity requirements), and additional data for specific types of rooms.

Special/Inclusive Education: The programing, or support services provided to students who have mild to moderate, moderate to severe, severe to profound special needs. First Nations utilize specialists and teachers to determine the number of students receiving special education programing or services under the two following programs:

The number of students receiving Special/Inclusive Education and the types of programing and services must be identified to calculate SSAS and complete the Education Specification.

Special/Inclusive Education spaces (Special/Inclusive GFA): The Special / Inclusive GFA is space allocated on the number of students receiving services. The SSAS allocates an additional GFA of 3.75 m² to each Special/Inclusive Education student. An additional service based space allocation for Special/Inclusive education is considered in extenuating circumstances if there is not enough space for Special/Inclusive education services within the 3.75 m² allocations. Additional service based space allocation must be justified within an education specification and added manually.

Standard sub-total GFA: A subset of the total GFA allocation of space as seen in the Tables in Appendix C. This total is a summation of the allocation of space for six types of areas:

Total Gross Floor Area (Total GFA): the total allocation of space for a First Nation school project. Total GFA encompasses the full footprint of all of a school's enclosed floor areas (i.e. measured on the plan to the exterior faces of perimeter walls). First Nations will determine how the Total GFA is utilized in order to meet their unique needs.

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